ChamberInsure is delivered by our insurance partner Sagar Insurances.
Sagar Insurances offer fellow Chamber members (irrespective of their business size and sector) a free, no obligation insurance health check providing the necessary due diligence on their current insurance programme and offering solutions and proposals.
This independent evaluation of your current programme includes:
Many Insurance brokers sell on price alone, with their focus being on increasing sales and satisfying their investors. Their approach is short term and loses sight of their customer’s requirements, leading to a time bomb of avoidable issues or problems.
The Sagar Solution
Your business is unique as are its insurance needs. ChamberInsure is Sagar Insurances’ service led proposition for Members designed to protect your business and provide a complete package covering all your insurance requirements.
Sagar Insurances provide a sustainable solution, providing cost effective insurance programmes designed around a client’s needs. This is supported by professional advice based on a modern approach to traditional values.
Member Benefits using Sagar Insurances:
Contact Chris Bedford at Sagar Insurances to find out more about a free no-obligation review of your business insurances and ChamberInsure on 07810 339938 or ask your membership team for an introduction.