Employability and Skills
A skilled workforce is fundamental to every successful business, and growing the workforce is crucial for economic growth and international competitiveness. However, many young people are denied meaningful interactions with the world of work, and many employers are frustrated by the lack of skills and experience they are looking for.

Our research shows many businesses think more can be done to better prepare young people for the workplace. Our members recognise the importance of investing in skills and training, even when times are financially hard. Key areas that need addressing are improving ‘soft skills’ such as communication, team working and resilience, as well as better careers advice and engagement with business in schools.
We believe, as do BCC and Chamber Network, that it is a shared responsibility between business, education and government to address this. We are therefore committed to bridging the gap between business and education, by increasing collaboration between the business community and education providers, to improve young people’s transition to work.
The 52 Accredited Chambers of Commerce already have over 2,500 education providers in membership, including over 1,500 schools in membership, often helping them connect with their local business community. Over the coming years Accredited Chambers of Commerce will enhance their membership offer to schools and colleges to help develop stronger links with local businesses.