Amber River True Bearing have raised another large amount for charities in 2024, with an overall total of £16,438.
The firm, who are the North-West hub of the Amber River Group, raised this as part of their corporate & social responsibility initiative, which aims to give back to the local community through charitable donations and volunteering.
Most of these funds, £14,930, were raised for one local charity: St Catherine’s Hospice, specially chosen by colleagues due to being close to their hearts and recognised for their ongoing quality care for patients and family support across Chorley, Preston & South Ribble. Amber River True Bearing have been supporting the hospice for many years and raising this incredible amount has been both a team and individual effort.
A wide variety of different fundraising activities took place throughout the year and included physical challenges such as colleagues participating in the annual Moonlight & Memories Walk held by the hospice, raising £600. Other team members took part in a company-wide ‘Bowlathon’ and raised £200 by coming third.
Additionally, a raffle held at their staff conference raised more money, along with a £10,000 donation to the hospice which was made possible by the Amber River Foundation. The foundation supports each of the Amber River offices across the UK with their fundraising activities by donating funds to their chosen charities. Colleagues also gave up their time for St Catherines by volunteering to help pack their client mailing in March.
The firm also supported a range of other charities, both local and national, such as Derian House, Macmillan Cancer Care, Save The Children, Childline and their local food bank throughout the course of the year. Over the festive period they held a Christmas Jumper Day, seasonal quiz and Jacobs Join, raising £547 and had a collection for their local food bank, Living Waters.
Marketing Manager, Jayne Raven who chairs their charity committee said:
“It’s been a fantastic year and the amount that Amber River True Bearing has raised for St Catherine’s will make a huge difference to those who use the services of the hospice. We are proud to have made such a positive impact on our local communities through our fundraising initiatives in 2024.”
Of the support given, James Da Costa, Corporate Engagement Partner at St Catherines’ Hospice said:
“The ongoing working partnership with Amber River (True Bearing) during the last 12 months has been a model example of the diversity that Charity of the Year can bring to your business; CSR impact spanning across corporate teams at our flagship Events, participation in our Corporate Challenge, along with being a Founder member of our 1985 Business club.
“In addition to this we are grateful for receiving £10k towards our ongoing care provision via the Amber River Foundation, we look forward to continuing to grow this valued relationship during 2025, our 40th anniversary year.”