Schoolchildren from Padiham and further afield enjoyed a free cricket training session at Padiham Cricket Club on Friday 7th June, courtesy of local estate agents Pendle Hill Properties.

The cricket got underway at 4pm led by Pendle Hill Properties Rental Director, Toby Burrows, who is also captain of Padiham CC.

Embracing the activities thrown at them, the Year 3 children enjoyed catching and throwing a ball, hitting a moving ball and bowling with a straight arm, before going straight into a basic game of cricket.

Having lots of fun and laughter throughout, the session also provided a great learning experience including how to work and communicate as a team.

The session followed Pendle Hill Properties’ popular cricket bat giveaway in December, which saw over 100 cricket bats, cricket balls, selection boxes and an invite to the free session delivered to Year 3 children from Padiham Green C of E, St Leonard’s C of E, St John the Baptist RC, Padiham Primary and Hapton C.E/Methodist Primary School.

Pendle Hill Properties are a cricket mad firm which includes Northern Diamonds cricket star Sophia Turner, as well as Sales Director Thomas Turner, who plays for Longridge CC, Managing Director Andrew Turner, who plays part-time for Longridge CC and is an umpire in the Lancashire League, and Captain of Longridge Ladies CC, Nicola Wilkinson.

Padiham CC Captain and Rental Director at Pendle Hill Properties, Toby Burrows, said:

“Thank you to everyone who took part today, everyone has done so well and we may well have seen some future Padiham players!

“The children really embraced all the activities we did and even though some of them had never played cricket before, they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and I’m sure we will see them back at Padiham CC again.”

Padiham CC are a friendly community based Cricket Club situated in Padiham, Lancashire. Where a warm welcome awaits those of all ages who want fun, enjoyment and competition.

Following the event, children will now get the opportunity to move onto the All Stars. All Stars Cricket is an eight-week programme for girls and boys aged between five and eight, that is packed full of fun games and challenges which are designed to help with the basic movement needed to kick-start a lifelong love of cricket and all sports, as well as promoting physical activity.

The sessions provide children with the basic movement skills to begin a lifelong love of sport, and general physical activity. They also provide social skills, confidence and the ability to work as a team, complementing sports activity in schools.

Pendle Hill Properties is a family-run estate and lettings agency based in Read and Longridge, providing a specialist residential property sales and rentals service across the Ribble Valley, Longridge, Preston, Burnley and Pendle areas.

For more information on Pendle Hill Properties, see here:

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Published On: June 14th, 2024

