Reacting to the release of the Government’s semi-conductor strategy, British Chambers of Commerce Head of Trade, William Bain, said:
“The fact the UK now has a National Semiconductor Strategy is a welcome first step.
“We have been calling for this for the past year and it has arrived not a moment too soon to provide some focus, measurable actions and results. Business across the UK is clear on the imperative to secure long-term semiconductor supply chains for Britain – the foundation of advanced manufacturing here.
“The recent semiconductor supply chain agreement with South Korea, and today’s new collaboration with Japan, are strong building blocks to provide greater security for manufacturing on diversity of semiconductor supply chains.
“We also need strong engagement with the US and the EU who have adopted their own solutions to semiconductor supply chain challenges through their Chips Acts, including plans for increased internal semiconductor production.
“The Strategy usefully puts together policies on R&D, skills and investment, with a domestic focus on compound semiconductors.
“Keeping British industry at the cutting edge of research and development is vital and we will be engaging with Government on our role in contributing to the Strategy’s development and keenly focussing on the autumn announcements on infrastructure and additional manufacturing support.”
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