Ramadan is a rewarding yet challenging celebration for Muslims around the world. For 30 days, those taking part show immense levels of self-discipline by forgoing food and drink from dawn until sunset.
With the help of our Chamber colleagues taking part, we’ve created a list of easy-to-follow tips to show your support during this holy month, if you aren’t observing the celebration yourself.
Don’t be afraid to ask – Ask respectful questions and be interested in learning more about your colleague’s cultural practices – strengthen your mutual understanding.
Donate – Consider pledging a donation to charity on behalf of your company to embrace the generosity of the month of Ramadan.
Adopt the greetings! ‘Ramadan Mubarak’ or ‘Ramadan Kareem’ are the best ways to send good wishes and encouragement your colleague’s way.
Be accommodating – If you’re in a managerial position, take the responsibility to ensure your colleagues have access to any further requirements they’ll need, such as a room for prayer.
Show flexibility – Where possible, show flexibility with your colleague’s working hours and encourage them to manage their time around their energy levels – e.g. starting earlier, or working remotely, so they can still perform at their best. Consider this before scheduling meetings, or adding to their workload.
Respect their decision – If you notice a Muslim colleague isn’t fasting during Ramadan, don’t quiz them – there are a multitude of reasons why they may not be able to take part.
Be sensitive to the challenge your colleagues are undertaking – Many Muslims still work the usual 9-5 during Ramadan whilst deprived of food and drink. Try to be mindful of the fatigue, weakness, or even irritability they may be experiencing.
Fancy getting involved in the celebrations? There’s multiple events taking place for Ramadan across Lancashire this month – take a look at this list from Lancashire Live.
Ultimately, your goal should always be to show respect and encouragement to those fasting – creating a comfortable and supportive workplace, whatever that may look like for you.
For more news, click here.