Become a member of the renowned International Trade Club (ITC) and join us face to face or virtually on Thursday 26 May 2022 at the Chambers Offices, Red Rose Court, Accrington, BB5 5JR.

We have now gone hybrid with our ITC events so if you can’t make it in person, we can offer a zoom slot, with a fantastic line up headline presenters and the opportunity to meet with likeminded businesses and Industry Specialists overcoming the hurdles of recent months and focussing on growth opportunities.

The International Trade Club is sponsored by our esteemed partners Forbes Solicitors offering a full range of legal services to individuals, commercial clients and a number of specialist sectors where they excel nationally and PM+M Solutions for Business LLP a leading, independent firm of accountants, financial planners and business advisers who work together to help you and your business achieve more.


0800 – Buffet breakfast and networking followed by

0900 – Daniel Fletcher, Associate, Commercial and John Pickervance, Partner, Head of Commercial, Forbes Solicitors. Focussing on protecting intellectual property overseas.

0920 – Andrew Kirkaldy, Assistant Manager, Corporate and Indirect Taxes, PM+M Solutions for Business LLP. VAT After Brexit: Where are we now – and how did we get here? There have been many important changes to VAT and customs rules that have come into effect as a result of Brexit. Andrew will briefly review the new rules and procedures, with a focus on examples of their impact on business models.

0940 – Aaron Dunne, VP, Global Head of Export Controls, Customs and Regulatory Affairs, DHL Aviation (UK) Limited. Using Russian sanctions as a case study Aaron will give an overview of the carrier responsibility – DHL Express and sanctions compliance along with DHL Express compliance structure, operations and controls, maintaining air links, constructing a compliant control regime and continuing to do business

1000 – William Bain, Head of Trade Policy, British Chambers of Commerce will join us virtually covering the NI Protocol, impact of the recently delayed border checks and the developments associated with the Target Operating Model for the UK Border.

1030 – Refreshments and networking


If you wish to be a part of a growing network of importers and exporters become a member of our ITC and email to request a membership form. The cost of annual membership is £130 plus VAT per person for businesses who import and/or export. Membership includes four breakfast meetings and attendance at our annual awards and lunch. More information available

For more news, click here.
Published On: May 23rd, 2022
International Trade Club

