Community Solutions NW, based at Elmfield Hall in Accrington are pleased to announce we are now members of the Befriending Networks.

Befriending Networks envisages a society that values befriending, recognises its importance, and provides befriending support to everyone who needs it. Since the late 1980’s they have offered support, training and guidance to hundreds of befriending projects across the UK and beyond and raised awareness about the ways befriending reduces social isolation and loneliness by improving wellbeing.

Community Solutions NW offer various forms of mentoring and befriending through home visits, telephone support and group activities. The informal support given via volunteer befrienders helps improve the health, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of people who experience health and wellbeing problems.

Our aim is to alleviate social isolation and loneliness, for all ages. Our home visiting support helps those who are housebound through age, ill-health or disability and our telephone support service keeps people in touch with others on a weekly basis.

Befriending and Mentoring

  • Helps Reduce social isolation
  • Increases confidence
  • Keeps independence
  • Increase mental wellbeing
  • Enable physical activities
  • Companionship

For more information on Community Solutions NW Befriending and Mentoring support please visit

For more member news, click here.
Published On: February 25th, 2022
Community Solutions

