Trade and investment factsheets

A snapshot of the UK’s trade and investment positions with individual trading and investment partners overseas.

These factsheets summarise the latest statistics on trade and investment between the UK and individual overseas partners.

Trade statistics inform how we meet the challenges of trade policy and promotion in the UK.

The factsheets provide statistics between the UK and its partners on:

  • exports, imports, and total trade
  • trade by commodity and service type
  • regional trade in the UK for goods
  • UK market share for trading partners
  • VAT-registered businesses trading goods
  • foreign direct investment (FDI)
  • ‘ease of doing business’ rankings
  • summary trade and investment data as reported by each partner
  • economic data and projections

All the figures in the factsheets are the most up to date, as at time of publication. The sources are clearly stated and there is an update schedule for future releases. DIT strongly recommends users download the latest factsheet to ensure the most up-to-date statistics are used as some statistics are revised on a regular basis.

Further reading HERE

For the most up to date snapshot of the UK’s trade and investment position overall, see the trade and investment core statistics book:

These factsheets are produced by the Department for International Trade (DIT). They summarise statistics produced by Office for National Statistics (ONS), HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), and international databases.

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Published On: September 21st, 2021

