A record-breaking 16 students from Nelson and Colne College are progressing on to a range of prestigious universities to study Medicine following excellent results in their A-Level exams.

Come September, 12 students will embark on Medicine degrees, two will start foundation Medicine courses and two will go on to Veterinary Medicine courses at universities such as Imperial College London, Edinburgh, Manchester, Lancaster, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield, and Surrey and Harper and Keele Veterinary School.

Nelson and Colne College Curriculum Leader for A-Level Science, Gary Goldsmith, said:

“As both a department and a college community, we are all extremely proud and happy that so many of our students got into their first-choice courses and we have every confidence that they will go on to do great things.

“This was a cohort that experienced unique challenges because of the pandemic and had long periods of distanced learning followed by alternate weeks in the classroom. They each had to have online interviews with their chosen universities which was tough, but they all earned their places, and we couldn’t be more delighted for them.”

The College believes its renowned Pre-Professional Programme was instrumental in the record-breaking feat.

Students seeking coveted places at leading universities for Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine can take advantage of the Medicine aspect of the Programme, which provides support with competitive applications and encourages the critical thinking skills and intellectual resilience the institutions expect.

Chemistry teacher and Pre-Professional Programme tutor, Rebecca Bibby, said:

“The Programme helps them gain a better understanding of a career in medicine and provides support when looking for work experience, placements, and volunteering to build up knowledge and experience.

“More students in the class of 21 had joined the programme than ever before and this was a vital factor in the resulting abundance of offers.”

Among the high achievers is Charlotte Hutchings who transferred to Nelson and Colne College from another college and attained the grades she needed to study to Veterinary Medicine and Science at the University of Surrey – including a stunning 98% chemistry exam score.

Charlotte said:

“A levels in Biology and Chemistry are compulsory for Veterinary Medicine and have provided me with vital basic knowledge needed for the course. I really enjoyed my time at college, it was a great learning environment. You enjoy a good level of independence, but the help is always there if you need it.

“I thought the teaching was outstanding in the science department and the teachers genuinely want you to achieve your potential.”

Another high-flier is Lance Domingo, who racked up a hattrick of As in Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Lance will now go to Imperial College London, the first Nelson and Colne College student to study Medicine at the prestigious institution.

Lance said:

“I’ve met some amazing people at the College and I was always made to feel welcome.

“My subject teachers were incredibly helpful throughout both years and the College generally provides a warm and hard-working atmosphere. I learned a lot here and will take these skills with me into the future.”

Libby Jackson, who achieved two A*s and an A in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, and is going on to study at University of Sheffield offered more glowing praise for the College, saying:

“My subjects allowed me to develop my independence and time management skills through revising and free periods. This will help me throughout university and allow me to keep on top of work whilst maintaining a work-life balance.

“I really enjoyed my time at college, the tutors are so supportive, and it is a really friendly environment. The teaching is excellent and there are lots of opportunities and advice to help students with their future careers.”

2021 has proved to be a bumper year for Nelson and Colne College. Already boasting the status of number one FE College in the country for A Level progress, it recorded an A-Level pass rate of 100%, placing it among the highest achieving schools and colleges in the country.

As well as two thirds of students (66.6%) achieving high A*-B grades, the College has also recorded an incredible 100%* Advanced Vocational pass rate.

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Published On: August 26th, 2021
Nelson Colne College

