Reacting to the news that eight Accredited Chambers of Commerce will be leading the pilots for the new local skills improvement plans (LSIPs), Hannah Essex, Co-Executive Director of the BCC, said:

“It is great news that Accredited Chambers will be leading all eight of the trailblazer LSIPs as part of the Skills Accelerator programme. Rooted in local business communities, chambers will be keen to embrace the views of all those committed to making skills the key to improving life chances and economic growth.

“Chambers look forward to working collaboratively with business communities, education and training providers and a wide range of other interested parties to identify what more can be done to improve the development of skills in their regions, for the benefit of individuals, businesses and the economy.

“A recent independent report commissioned by the BCC established that it’s vital that business and the skills system work together to ensure people are training for genuine, well paid career opportunities that exist in their local areas.

“LSIPs will help transform how we assess, agree and plan for skills provision and, in time, tackle the pervasive skills shortages that put a brake on business productivity and growth.

“The Prime Minister spoke earlier today about levelling up which is a key plank of the BCC’s Rebuild strategy for the economy as we emerge from the pandemic.

“Plugging the skills gap, both in terms of geography and within industries, is key to providing opportunities for people and ensuring that everyone has the chance to find quality, sustainable jobs.”

The eight Accredited Chambers of Commerce that will be leading LSIPs are Cumbria, North East England (Teesside), Doncaster (South Yorkshire), North and West Lancashire & East Lancashire, East Midlands (Leicestershire & Leicester), Business West (Greater West of England), Sussex, and Kent Invicta.

For more news, click here.
Published On: July 16th, 2021

