The latest good news stories and Kickstart vacancies from The Lancashire Wildlife Trust.

One Good Tern

Spring has sprung at Brockholes Nature Reserve as tern chicks have hatched live on camera for all to see. You can view the live webcams here: Webcams | Brockholes Nature Reserve.

The tern eggs were spotted around a month ago on the raft which floats in one of the lakes at the 250-acre nature reserve in Preston. The raft holds a webcam to show otherwise unseen footage of wildlife occurrences and open up a whole new world of nature to the public.

The common tern breeds along coasts with shingle beaches and rocky islands, on rivers with shingle bars, and at inland gravel pits such as Brockholes. The conservation team at the Lancashire Wildlife Trust, which manages the nature reserve, build tern rafts every year to help increase the inland breeding population.

The rafts are made from recycled materials, and we are hoping to build more to ensure we can help more terns breed at Brockholes. (We happily accept donated materials for the tern rafts).

Manchester Festival of Nature 

The Manchester Festival of Nature is back for its third year! Keep an eye on our Twitter page – @MancNature all this month to hear about exciting news, competitions and opportunities from some of the leading conservation organisations in the North West. We also have a couple of fantastic, free online events to enjoy.

Find out more by visiting: and make sure to share your wild moments with us by tagging @MancNature and using the hashtag #MFoN – we’d love to see how you are celebrating this year and can’t wait to see you back at Heaton Park next June!

23rd June 6-7:30pm Transforming Greater Manchester

What’s Greater Manchester doing for nature? This year as part of the Manchester Festival of Nature we join members of the Manchester Nature Consortium to hear about some of the work they are doing to transform Greater Manchester for wildlife and people alike.

Link to register: Webinar Registration – Zoom

27th June 10-10:45am Youth Panel’s Wild Adventures

We are the Manchester Nature Consortium’s Youth Panel. Join our webinar to watch how with just a few simple items, we can tell spectacular stories about nature. Find out what we’ve done and what you can do too! We can’t wait to see you!

Link to register: Webinar Registration – Zoom

Kickstart traineeship vacancies 

We have a number of 6 month trainee vacancies available for young people through the kickstart scheme – to be eligible for any of our Kickstart roles, candidates need to be in receipt of Universal Credit and aged 16-24 years old. For more information visit Jobs | The Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside (

For more member news, click here.
Published On: June 17th, 2021

