Training 2000’s top tips for handling GCSE results day 2020
Training 2000 in Blackburn want to offer you help with your GCSE results day worries following the disruption of Covid-19.
You may be feeling anxious about what to expect with GCSE results day around the corner, the coronavirus pandemic has disrupted your study and exams and so this is expected to be the case across the country. Don’t panic, Training 2000 are here to help. What can you expect from GCSE results day? What if things don’t go as you had expected?
Training 2000s top 5 tips to handling GCSE results day 2020:
1. Before Results Day
Talk to your family and friends about your worries and what you are expecting, everyone around you understands this pressure and will want to help. Make sure you are aware of how you will receive your results on the day whether that be virtually or picking them up in person in a designated time slot. It might be nice for a member of your household to be with you as support when you receive your results.
2. On Results Day
Go for a walk, do something fun at home and keep busy in the morning until your results are out, you do not want to be anxiously waiting around and working yourself up. Keep your phone handy, you may want to call friends and family to share your results, you may also want to ring your school to discuss.
3. Confirming your next steps
You have now received your results and need to think about what you are going to do next. Have the numbers ready beforehand to speak to your chosen training provider, college or sixth form as soon as possible to confirm your place if you have already applied.
4. Knowing your options
If you are unsure of what your next step is after receiving your GCSE results, you have a number of options available. There will be a course or training programme that is right for you. It may be worth exploring routes you haven’t previously looked at. Apprenticeships are a great way to get paid whilst learning on the job. Check out the Apprenticeship options at Training 2000 here.
5. Your results are not what you expected?
If your GCSE results are not what you were predicted or expected you have a number of options available, there will be a course or training programme that is right for you. It may be worth exploring Traineeships – a great way to work on your employability skills, gain valuable work experience and prepare you for your next step. Check out the Traineeship options at Training 2000 here.
If you are interested in a course at Training 2000, you can get more information at their virtual drop in session being held between 12pm and 4pm on GCSE results day.
Training 2000’s Recruitment Team will happily give you impartial advice on your next steps and will be on hand to answer any questions you might have.